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15,000 public bikes available for rent

According to Ningbo Municipal Traffic and Transport Committee, the public bike program, one of the key serving-the-people programs of Ningbo for 2013, was completed successfully. 15000 public bikes are available for rent, indicating the initial formation of the slow traffic network of public bikes.

So far, over 50,000 rent cards for the bikes are issued, the rents amounts to over 1 million with the daily rents amounting to over 28,000.

According to the plan, the city should have 15,000 bikes for rent in the first year and this is the largest number in Zhejiang and it is one of the largest in the country. With the joint efforts of related departments and districts, the program advanced rapidly. In May, the company for public bike rent was established. On August 6, the construction of the first public bike station in Yinzhou started. On September 22, World Car Free Day, the first 800 bikes in 32 stations were available for the public.

In management, a two-level system of the distributing center and the district distributing branches is adopted which ensures the balance of the bikes in all the stations. At present, the 24-hour service is available in all the rent stations and the rent and return may be done at any of the stations in all the six districts.

According to the plan, the city should put in 30,000 public bikes for rent and it will steadily advance the new traffic program of public buses plus bikes, and light rail transit plus bikes. With this, the city expects to improve the urban public traffic system and effectively solve the problem of traffic jam in urban areas.

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