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Elderly volunteers help teaching children of migrant workers

In a recent volunteer program, three elderly volunteers offered free classes to kids in Shikang Primary School, a school for children of migrant workers.

As calligraphy lovers, Lin Lifeng and Ge Yiping gave hard-nib calligraphy classes to the children. Another volunteer teacher, Qian Xinghan, a former fighter pilot, taught aviation knowledge to the children.

Shikang Primary School is a school established for migrant children. The school planed to offer more extra-curricular activities for the pupils but the plan was delayed for lack of professional teachers. Elderly members of a local Elderly University showed great concerns to the children after they learnt the situation. To help the teachers and children, they volunteered to give free classes to the kids. Other elderly volunteers plans to offer more extracurricular classes in music, painting, dance, handcraft and oral English.

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