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Ningbo ranks first in the "National Examination" of basic public

health service projects

On August 21st, it was learned from the Ningbo Municipal Health Commission that the National Health Commission announced the performance evaluation results of the 2023 National Basic Public Health Service Project, and Ningbo, representing Zhejiang Province, once again won the first place in the country. This is the fourth time that Ningbo City has ranked first in the national examination.

Grassroots medical and health institutions are the first line of defense to safeguard the health of the people. In recent years, the grassroots medical and health work in Ningbo has focused on enhancing service capabilities and improving the medical experience of the masses. The "10-minute urban and 20-minute rural" health service circle has been basically formed. There are 156 grassroots medical institutions in the city, and 112 integrated chronic disease clinics have been built. There are 88 and 133 grassroots specialty clinics at the city and county levels, respectively. The construction of star rated general practice clinics, traditional Chinese medicine clinics, and health management centers has been completed, attracting more elderly chronic disease groups to receive treatment at the grassroots level with peace of mind.

At present, the level of grassroots public health services in Ningbo continues to improve, and the rate of grassroots visits remains above 65%. In 2023, a total of 817000 elderly residents aged 65 and above in the city will receive standardized management services; A total of 828300 patients with hypertension and 257800 patients with type 2 diabetes were included in the management. The standardized management service rate was 69.21% and 69.33% respectively, and the control rate was 69.07% and 64.21% respectively

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