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Ningbo takes actions to promote equipment updates

On the morning of June 12th, the Ningbo Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference to introduce the overall situation of Ningbo's implementation plan for promoting large-scale equipment updates and exchanging old for new consumer goods. It proposed to adhere to the principles of market leadership, government guidance, standard guidance, continuous improvement, comprehensive promotion, key breakthroughs, optimization of supply, and expansion of the market, in order to achieve practical results in the "dual new" work.

The plan includes four major actions: implementing equipment updates, exchanging old for new consumer goods, recycling and reusing, and improving standards. Along with policy guarantees, it includes a total of five aspects and clarifies 44 key measures.

The plan clearly states that by 2027, the investment scale of equipment in industries such as industry, energy, construction, transportation, and agriculture in our city will increase by an average annual rate of over 7.5%, and the energy efficiency of major energy consuming

equipment in key industries will basically reach advanced levels; The total number of cars exchanged for new in the city has reached 200000, and the annual sales volume of household appliances has increased by about 6%; The urban and rural coverage of the entire category collection and transportation system in the city has reached 100%, with a total of 40 centralized sorting centers for renewable resources and more than 5000 waste material recycling stations built; Accumulated leadership or participation in the formulation and revision of more than 30 national standards.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, in order to ensure the effective implementation of the plan, Ningbo has built a "1+N" plan system. Except for the overall plan, all 15 supporting plans have been issued and implemented.

As a major manufacturing city, Ningbo is an important production base for industrial equipment and consumer goods in the Yangtze River Delta and even across the country. In large-scale equipment updates, there is a vast market space for equipment updates, and it has a strong equipment supply capacity that radiates across the country.

Therefore, Ningbo has deployed equipment updates in industries, construction, transportation, education, healthcare, and other fields.

Focusing on industrial equipment updates, it mainly includes two key measures: strengthening digital empowerment in the manufacturing industry and promoting equipment updates and renovations in key industries;

There are 15 main measures on improving urban quality and optimizing public services, with a focus on accelerating the renovation of old residential elevators, promoting equipment updates in medical and health institutions, and iteratively upgrading information facilities.

Promoting the trade in of consumer goods is closely related to the daily lives of citizens, which helps to stimulate potential consumption and consolidate the positive trend of economic recovery.

The plan includes carrying out activities such as car energy exchange, home appliance intelligence exchange, and home decoration renewal. It also incorporates cars, home appliances, and home decoration into the policy scope, while adding three aspects: optimizing the consumption environment of new energy vehicles, promoting smart homes, and promoting the phasing out and updating of electric bicycles.

Large scale equipment updates and the exchange of old for new consumer goods will be accompanied by many waste equipment and consumer goods. The "exchange+recycling" system is the main way to "turn waste into treasure".

The plan proposes to implement a series of recycling measures such as "improving the recycling network of waste products and equipment, accelerating the circulation and trading of second-hand goods, giving play to the role of the Internet platform channel, orderly promoting remanufacturing and echelon utilization, and promoting high-level recycling of resources".

The standard improvement action is the technical support for the equipment update action, the consumer goods trade in action, and the recycling and reuse action.

Based on the actual situation in Ningbo, the plan clearly states that efforts should be made to accelerate the improvement of energy consumption, emissions, safety, product and service standards, strengthen the supply of resource recycling standards, and strengthen the connection between domestic and international standards in key areas

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