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Sludge Disposal Center Put into Service in Southern Sewage Treatment Plant

A large sludge disposal center with a daily treatment capacity of 80,000 tons is put into operation in the southern sewage treatment plant of Ningbo on July 4, which solves the current problem of sludge blockage in a stable and recycling way. 

The construction of the center is an S&T demonstration project of Ningbo with a total investment of over 20 million Yuan, which adopts the latest sludge drying technology in the world. According to the introduction of the chief of municipal Urban Management Bureau, the treatment is able to reduce the moisture content of the sludge to less than 60% and double the effect of the sludge dewatering treatment than usual.

It is learned that most of the sewage treatment plant in Ningbo used the method of activated sludge with a moisture content of about 80%, resulting in a daily sludge production of nearly 300 tons. The new sludge disposal center of the Southern Sewage Treatment Plant is able to reduce the total amount of the sludge generated by sewage treatment plant by over 50%, said by related officials.

The operation of sludge disposal center can not only achieve the goal of reducing the total amount of the sludge in a stable way but also broaden the channels of the sludge disposal. Today, the processed sludge is sent to be burned up in Mingzhou Thermal Power Plant and Beilun Power Plant to produce high-quality organic fertilizer which can be used directly to plants.

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