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301 Enterprises Gained Access to Green Channel for Export

It was learned from the GAQSIQ(General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine) that on 20th this month, 100 export enterprises in our city gained the access to green channel of inspection and quarantine. Since the pilot project of “green channel” began in 2003, 301 enterprises have gained the qualification, accounting for 9.3% of the whole nation.

  Green channel system of inspection and quarantine for export commodity, is the one which facilitates the inspection and quarantine of the export commodity from integrity enterprises. For those enterprises enjoying the privilege of “green channel”, their qualified commodities are free from inspection in the corresponding ports. So, the time spending on demurrage in the port will be shortened, customs clearance accelerated, and costs reduced.

  In order to support the expansion of export, GAQSIQ further decreased the standard of “green channel” last year. The threshold of the yearly trade volume was reduced from 5 million dollars to 1 million dollars. Therefore, the application range of the export enterprises was broadened.

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