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Economic report of Ningbo in the first quarter this year

On the morning of April 24, Ningbo Municipal Government held a press conference, at which Tang Bosheng, Director of Ningbo Statistics Bureau, made a report of the economic operation in the first quarter this year. In the three months, the GDP amounts to 138.41 to billion yuan, increased by 8.3% over the same period of last year, calculated by comparable price. The growth rates were respectively 1.3 points and 0.5 points on the yearly base.

Of the industries, the added value of the first industry reaches 4.75 billion yuan, increased by 2.9% year on year. The added value of the secondary industry reaches 75.19 billion yuan, increased by 8.4% year on year. The added value of the tertiary industry amounts to 58.47 billion yuan, increased by 8.6% year on year. The proportion of the three industries is 3.4:54.3:42.3.


The industrial production increased in an overall way and there is a fast increase in the efficiency. In the first quarter of this year, the total industrial added value of large industrial enterprises amounts to 50.54 billion yuan, increased by 7.1% over the same period of last year, calculated by comparable price and 4.3 points above the same period of previous year. In the first quarter of this year, the total industrial added value of large industrial enterprises amounts to 269.38 billion yuan, increased by 7.1% over the precious year, with the ratio of the production and the sales amounting to 97.1%. The output of new products reaches 54.82 billion yuan, increased by 15.7%. In the first quarter of this year, the profit tax of large industrial enterprises amounts to 26.69 billion yuan, increased by 22.7% over the precious year. The total profit tax reaches 11.73 billion yuan, increased by 39.1% year on year.

While maintaining stable, the investment in fixed assets is accelerated, and the turnover of the real property market notably recovered. In the first quarter of this year, the investment in the fixed assets reached 71.62 billion yuan, increased by 21.9% year on year. Of the total, the investment in industries reaches 21.8 billion yuan, increased by 43.3% over the precious year. This figure accounts for 30.4% of the total investment in fixed assents, 4.6 points higher on the yearly base. The investment in real estate reaches 25.94 billion yuan, increased by 33.2%. In the first quarter of this year, The transaction volume of commercial houses reaches 1.548 million square meters, with a radical year on year increase.

The export in foreign trade has recovered from negative increase and the investment invitation made substantial progress. In the first quarter of this year, the import and export total 22.77 billion US dollars, increased by 2.4% over the precious year. Of the total, the export reaches 14.23 billion US dollar, increased by 7.1% year on year. In the first quarter of this year, the contract foreign capital amounts to 1.33 billion US dollars, increased by 15.8% over the precious year. The actual utilized foreign capital amounts to 940 million US dollars, increased by 24%. These figures are respectively 13.9 and 15.1 points above the same period of previous year.

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