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Local equity market plays a crucial role in exploring potential Ningbo enterprises

The final of the "2024 Finding the Most Valuable Investment Enterprise in Ningbo" event. (Courtesy of Ningbo Equity Exchange)

“The overall quality of the top 30 companies in this year's competition is relatively high. They have good innovation. They also have very high integration with Ningbo's advantageous industries such as new materials, semiconductors, and advanced manufacturing. 10% to 15% of the companies have become leaders in the industry segmentation track.” Recently, the top 30 companies selected for the "2024 Finding the Most Valuable Investment Enterprises in Ningbo" held a "peak competition". As one of the judges of the competition, Hu Zhonglin, the head of Fortune Capital in Central China, was deeply impressed by the companies that made it to the finals.

It is reported that the top 30 competitors will also receive support from funding, policies, to capital market cultivation.

As the initiator of the event, Ningbo Equity Exchange fully leverages the advantages of the first batch of regional equity market pilot projects in China. By "contacting", "searching" and "cultivating", Ningbo Equity Exchange continues to build a mechanism for discovering enterprise value. In recent years, it has explored and cultivated a group of Ningbo small and medium-sized enterprises with high growth potential and high investment value, laying a solid foundation for regional economic development.

Keep looking for potential enterprises

Projects and products full of innovation and market potential takes turns to have roadshows on stage like supercharged batteries, self-developed chips, visual sensors, semiconductor devices, brain-like intelligence, innovative materials.

“Through this kind of exercise, our roadshow level has been improved, and we cherish the opportunity to communicate and exchange ideas with experts from investment institutions, "said the person in charge of one of the participating companies, Alpha Nuclides(Ningbo) Medical Technology Co., Ltd.

It is reported that this competition has attracted more than 600 companies to register and participate. Among them, local "science and technology innovation stars" with high growth potential and high investment value will stand out and receive key cultivation and support.

Lv Zhenlin, the president of Ningbo Enzymaster Biotechnology Co., Ltd., who won third place in the previous competition, said, "This has expanded our company's influence and also allowed more investment institutions to see our projects.”

Diversified financing solves the pain points of enterprise development

Difficult and expensive financing has been a common problem for small and medium-sized enterprises. Taking science and technology innovation enterprises as an example, these enterprises generally have the characteristics of light assets, lack of collateral, and high investment risks, which will increase the difficulty of financing.

Innovative financial products, expanding private equity financing channels, and building financing matching platforms provide diverse "solutions" to financing problems.

In response to the common problem of difficult and expensive financing for such enterprises, Ningbo Equity Exchange integrated various financial resources and provided seven major financing products of the "Beidou Series" , which can accurately "navigate" enterprises and funds; For different enterprise needs, financing products such as "listing step by step loan", "specialized and refined special new loan", and "technology innovation loan" have also been launched, opening up a "special lane" for enterprise financing.

“The Ningbo Stock Exchange has matched many investment institutions, such as Shenzhen Venture Capital, to invest in us, "said Hu Yue, the director of operations at Ningbo Tech-Inno Health Industry Co., Ltd." They have abundant resources of investment institutions. However, we enterprises usually did not pay enough attention to it. They will recommend the company to some investment institutions and organize everyone to communicate, building a 'bridge' between the two sides, which is very helpful to us.”

In 2023, the pilot work of equity investment and venture capital share transfer will be promoted, and Ningbo will continue to take measures: organizing four summits to guide more professional institutions to join the Ningbo private equity secondary market, holding the first domestic "capital matchmaking event" to exchange and connect fund share transfers, promoting the establishment of private equity secondary market funds (i.e. S funds), and expanding the exit channels for private equity and venture capital.

“The financial market in Ningbo is relatively developed, with multiple financing channels and a rich portfolio of financial products. There are different products that can provide support for enterprises at different stages of development, "said Hu Yue.

Explore the 'potential stocks' in the region

A team of capital market liaison officers covering 159 townships and streets in the city has been established, with each township and subdistrict as a unit. Through grid management, high-quality enterprises such as "specialization, refinement, novelty" and technological innovation are recruited, and "potential stocks" are explored.

In addition, starting from 2022, eligible districts (counties, cities) have cooperated with Ningbo Equity Exchange to carry out a pilot program of "one county, one platform" for the cultivation of capital market norms. From the establishment of the first county-level service board, the "Cixi Common Prosperity Board," to the establishment of the Cixi Service Base of Beijing Equity Exchange in 2023, high-quality resources will be provided by the lower tier exchanges. This year, it planned to establish a service base in Yuyao and set up an "intelligent manufacturing board". Based on local conditions, a pilot plan will be formulated, coupled with guarantees such as venue and policies, to attract more high-quality enterprises and expand the gathering advantages of "one county, one platform".

After cultivation and incubation, how to accurately drip irrigate the listing needs of the enterprise in the following development?

“Our company plans to go public, but we usually focus more on products and technology, and we need some help in capital market operations, "said Lv Zhenlin." We really hope that the company can receive good guidance in going public, and through the Ningbo Equity Exchange, we can become familiar with the capital market. To some extent, the Ningbo Equity Exchange has a 'rehearsal listing' atmosphere.

At present, the Ningbo Equity Exchange has established a listing system of "basic board+characteristic board+specialized board", as well as a national level "specialized, refined, special and new" specialized board, which is classified and cultivated according to the development stage of the enterprise according to the "incubation layer, standardization layer, and cultivation layer".

The 'digital intelligence' service is also here to provide protection. The enterprise cultivation database system fully records the cultivation and service situation of 329 planned listed companies in Ningbo. To put data on the chain means that it can quickly query cultivation records, follow up on enterprise service progress, and provide credit endorsement for subsequent financing, policy application, listing and other activities of the enterprise.

In order to assist enterprises in standardizing their listing, Ningbo has also established the "321" listing direct train, and formed a team of senior financial experts to help enterprises plan their listing path and shorten the listing process. Relevant personnel have visited over 300 companies planning to go public.

“Last year, auditors from the Shenzhen Equity Exchange were invited to have face-to-face communication with our company. We communicated in advance about what companies need to pay attention to and what issues they may have during the listing process, "said Hu Yue." Not only did it eliminate information gaps, but it also allowed companies to understand listing related knowledge from more perspectives.”

Ningbo has a developed private economy and active private capital. In recent years, Lv Zhenlin has realized that the local market in Ningbo has abundant funds, and investors in Ningbo are very fond of innovative investment projects.

“The regional equity market is a platform for enterprises to showcase themselves. Non-local investment institutions like us can more efficiently understand high-quality enterprises, ”said Hu Zhonglin.

At present, the effect of cultivating high-quality enterprise clusters in Ningbo continues to emerge. As of the end of July, the regional equity market has cultivated 5213 enterprises and successfully cultivated 20 listed companies, all of which are among the top in the country

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