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Innovation and opening-up promote development

In 2012, the major economic indicators in Meishan Bonded Port Zone (Industrial Cluster Zone) almost doubled. The applications for the specialized port for car import and the specialized port for living plants import were both approved. Such feature industries as finance and  trade logistics made great breakthroughs. The development pattern of integrating production and the city has initially come into being.

The zone takes initiative in making breakthroughs in developing systems and mechanisms by taking the lead in developing exploration and opening-up strategies. With the implementation of the national strategies of broadening horizon and making innovations, the zone aims to build a national pilot zone for reform and opening-up practice, with its goal of constructing a free-trade park and developing more dynamic, more efficient and more open systems.


The zone strives to make innovative breakthroughs on the policy functions to promote industrial transformation and upgrading in the whole province. Through the misplacing and featured development, the zone has introduced and cultivated a parade of key projects with strong support, high added value and obvious driving effects. It actively applies for the pilots for an international shipping registration port, the offshore finance port and bonded rental port. Meanwhile, the zone makes efforts to explore the establishment of the state-level imported food pilot by taking advantage of the supporting policies.

The zone makes breakthroughs in urban construction and promotes Ningbo’s modern international port city construction. By learning advanced concepts for urban construction for leading cities at home and abroad, it strengthens its exploration in building "Smart City", "eco-town" and "quality urban area", and endeavors to build a "living room on the sea" for Ningbo.

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