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Foreign trade of Ningbo

The other day, the report of foreign trade of Ningbo was released. In the first half of this year, the total of import and export of Ningbo reaches 47.945 billion US dollars, increased by 1.6% year on year. Of the total, the export reaches 30.975 billion US dollars, increased by 4% year on year. The import reaches 16.971 billion US dollars, reduced by 2.6% year on year. 
Export to the four emerging markets increases by 10% 
In the first half of this year, the increase rates of export to Africa, Middle East, Russia and Mexico reach 10.3%, 10.9%, 17.4% and 10.4% respectively. However, the export to the Brics like Brazil and India is slumping, dropping by 2.2% and 2.8% respectively. The export to ASEAN is recovered. 
In the first half of this year, the export to EU keeps stable, increased by 0.4% year on year. The export to USA increases by 4.3% year on year, The export to Hong Kong increases by 12.8% year on year. The export to Japan drops by 1% year on year. Imports from Europe, USA and Japan all decline. 

Early this year, Yinzhou District Government Signed Agreement on PCM Project with BAMC-USA, which will invest 147 million dollars the plant will be built a phase change memory factory. The factory is expected put into operation in June, 2014. 
In the first half this year, the contract foreign capital amounted to 2.906 billion US dollars, 16.1% up year on year. The actual utilized foreign capital amounted to 1.798 billion US dollars, up by 17.9% year on year. 
The investment of enterprises of the world top 500 is going steadily. Merger and investment corporation have become important channels of investment. In the first half of this year, Ningbo approved one project funded by a world top 500 enterprise, and six projects for capital increase. The contract foreign capital increase reaches 199 million US dollars. The city approved 18 foreign-funded merger projects. The contract value of foreign capital totals 187 million US dollars. Of the total, there are 4 merging projects whose investment is above 10 million US dollars. The actual utilized foreign capital by foreign investment companies reaches 100 million US dollars and the actual utilized foreign capital amounts to 66.67 million US dollars.

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