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First Staff Cultural and Arts Festival to Be Held

The first staff cultural and arts festival in our city will open in the latter part of April. Ten cultural and arts activities will be held in this festival, including singing, dancing, acting, calligraphy-performing, and painting. These activities will intensively show the newest achievements the staff have made in the development of literary and art advantages and the establishment of spiritual culture. On 20th, the organizing committee publicly collected LOGO of the festival.

  It is explained by director of the municipal general labor union that the first staff cultural and arts festival will theme “labor leads to dream”, which aims at fully presenting the courageous, hard-working and innovative mental outlook. By this way can Ningbo staff spirit be better transmitted and inherited, and more positive energy can be gathered for the establishment of international modernized port.

  From 21st, March to 15th April, the organizing committee will publicly collect LOGO from the whole society. The work should integrate the characteristics of time, art, and Ningbo staff. It needs to inspire people in terms of art and be easily transmitted among people. After the assessment of experts, the bid winner will be rewarded 5000 yuan. More details will be showed in Ningbo labor union’s website.

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