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Ningbo Charity Federation initiated election of "Charity Stars"

Ningbo Charity Federation recently started the election of Ningbo Top 10 Charity Stars" and "Ningbo Top 10 Charity Enterprises". In May, the federation will host an activity called the One-day Charity Donation and will commend the stars to be elected.

The candidates for the stars will be those individuals and enterprises that made outstanding contributions to the charity cause in Ningbo between January 2010 and December 2011. The qualified individual candidate should be one who has donated at least 2 million yuan to the charity cause and who is well received by the people. Qualified candidates also include those individuals who are very charitable and persistent in donating and volunteering services with moving deeds and great social influence.

The qualified candidates for the top 10 enterprises should be those trustworthy enterprises that have strong social responsibility, donating over 4 million yuan to the charity cause and making active contribution to the charity cause of Ningbo

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