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Service Month Campaign for Foreign-invested Enterprises drew a successful conclusion

The press conference by the Office for Service Month Campaign for Foreign-invested Enterprises was held on October 10, when it is announced that the Service Month concludes successfully. During the campaign period, 1561 acres of land for the use of foreign-invested enterprises were approved, thus making it possible for the landing and contract-signing of some big foreign-invested projects. 38 problems raised by related enterprises were located and solved, and the campaign achieved initial success.

It is reported that since August 12, the launching date of the campaign, the related departments in Ningbo have visited some foreign-invested enterprises and relevant organizations in order to have a better understanding of the difficulties and problems met by the enterprises. They made great efforts to solve problems for the enterprises' production and business, actively promoted the landing and contract-signing of some big foreign-invested projects by providing some new preferential measures. In addition, they named a batch of distinguished foreign-invested enterprises and service organizations and strengthened the publicity work of Ningbo's good investment environment.

Among all the 100 projects of the Service Month Campaign, 32 projects have achieved substantial results. There is hope for the approval of 9 projects under discussion, and another 68 projects are well under way.

Ningbo's business network spots tripled within two years

In the last few years, Ningbo's business net has quickened its pace of development and now citizens have more and more consumer places to choose from. The biennial survey of the big business network spots in Chinese big and medium-sized cities released by the Ministry of Business shows that by the end of last year, Ningbo had had 157 business spots with an area over 5000 square meters, 3 times that of the year of 2008. The total area reached 5,891,395 square meters, 20 times that of 2008.

With the ever-quickening development of Ningbo's urban construction, the citizens' need for the modern big business facilities such as shopping malls, department stores and supermarkets is increasing day by day. From 2008 to 2010, Ningbo built 8 shopping centers, 26 department stores, 18 household building material stores and 62 commodity exchange markets. The per capita area increased from less than 0.5 square meters to 0.98 square meters.

European debt crisis affects exports of plug and socket products

As a major manufacturing base of the European market of plug and socket, Cixi saw a decline in its exports of plug and socket this year due to the European debt crisis. Statistics show that in the first three quarters of 2011, Cixi Inspection and Quarantine Bureau accepted 11682 batches of plug and socket exports, 12.52% lower than that of the same period of last year, with a total value of 336 million dollars, decreasing by 5.61% over the same period of last year.

90% of plug and socket products in Cixi is exported to Europe and 90% of the low and middle-grade plug and socket products in the European market come from Cixi. The global financial crisis of 2008 led to the decline of Cixi's plug and socket exports in 2009, the first decline in the last 15 years. This year, the ever increasingly serious European debt crisis greatly affected exports of plug and socket products. According to the analysis of some insiders of the trade, because of the uncertainty of the European debt crisis, the decreasing trend of the exports will not change very soon in the near future and they are not optimistic about the exports of next year.

Ningbo becoming the gathering place for foreign-invested enterprises

Word came from the annual conference of Ningbo Foreign-invested Enterprises Society held on October 8 that Ningbo has already become the gathering place for the high-quality foreign investment and foreign-invested enterprises.

Statistics show that every introduction of 100 million dollars of foreign investment means the country can get 100 million yuan as tax revenue and another 3427 job positions will be created. It also means a total export and import value of 145 million dollars and a profit of 157 million yuan.

According to Ningbo Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, in 2010, there were 5772 foreign-invested enterprises with a total investment of 44.21 billion dollars, including a registered capital of 25.56 billion dollars. The realized investment added up to 23.81 billion dollars. By the end of 2010, the total investment, registered capital and realized investment had all increased compared with the previous year, an increase of 4.2 billion dollars, 3.04 billion dollars and 2.53 billion dollars respectively. 3221 foreign-invested enterprises proved profitable, an increase of 182 over the previous year. The profitable enterprises made up 56% of all the enterprises tested, up 3% over the previous year.

As one of the first opening-up coastal cities since the introduction of reform and opening-up policy, Ningbo has been making efforts to attract foreign businesses and investments actively and efficiently in a proper way. The investments have been closely integrated with equipments, technology, management and talents on a certain scale. The consistent inflow of the foreign investment greatly compensated the shortage of fund for Ningbo's development. In the meanwhile,  by bringing in a large quantity of advanced production technology and administration experience, the foreign investment played a significant role in promoting the scientific and technological progress and industrial upgrading, in boosting tax revenue, employment and imports and exports, and in achieving the balanced development of different regions.

Marine "Blue Economy" forged

Lying on sun-drenched beach, binging on yummy seafood, or experiencing East Sea folk custom, all of them are available in Ningbo.  During the National Day Holiday, the city has introduced a series of activities with the theme of "ocean", once again demonstrating the unique charm of the ocean.

The city is rich in marine tourism resources, ranging from natural scenery such as islands, beaches, grotesque rocks formations to culture resources like maritime Silk Road and coastal defense. It also enjoys the convenient transportation because of Beilun Port, Hangzhou Bay Bridge and other first-class transportation systems.


According to statistics from the Holiday Office, 426,000 people visited Ningbo on Thursday. The number of visitors surpassed 20,000 in four places, namely, Dongqian Lake, Xikou scenic spot, Daqiao ecological farm, and Songlan Mountain scenic spots.


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