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Sales of Zongzi may exceed 10 billion yuan.

Why is Zongzi so popular this year?

June 8th is the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. Eating Zongzi is a must during the Dragon Boat Festival. In the major supermarkets and on e-commerce platforms in Ningbo, the "Zongzi Battle" is in full swing.

The citizens found that Zongzi, which has dominated the screen recently, is playing an increasingly diverse role: its traditional positioning is breakfast, but now it has become a snack for afternoon tea; Innovative zongzi such as low sugar zongzi and high soup zongzi are constantly emerging; Zongzi is "tied" with museums, tea and coffee, further integrated with culture.

According to the big data of an e-commerce platform, this year's sales of Zongzi have doubled or so compared with the same period last year, and it is expected that this year's consumption of Zongzi will exceed 10 billion for the first time. Small Zongzi is noticeably

becoming a big industry.

Low sugar zongzi, healthy zongzi, cloud leg zongzi, which one do you like best?

The flowers are similar year by year, but the Zongzi are different year by year. The traditional types of Zongzi in Ningbo are nothing more than alkaline water zongzi, meat zongzi, egg yolk meat zongzi, bean paste zongzi, white rice zongzi, etc.

In recent years, with the popularity of the new China-Chic and the concept of healthy light food, the traditional Zongzi is changing too- the size is getting smaller, and the oil rate is decreasing; the materials used are becoming increasingly healthy.

It is found in major markets in Ningbo that juicy Zongzi is quite popular in today's market, that is, glutinous rice as the raw material of Zongzi is soaked and cooked with superior soup to obtain a more delicious taste. And the ingredients include black pork, black truffles, fresh scallops, ham, etc., with a wide variety.

At the same time, online shopping platform search found that some sellers of Zongzi introduced new tastes, such as spicy sticks, crawfish, bird's nest, durian and other special tastes, which were quite eye-catching, but most of the sales were not ideal.

New products such as "cold food zongzi" launched by major e-commerce platforms have also become one of the highlights in recent years. For example, Hema has incorporated purple rice, taro, explosive beads, highland barley and other online red materials into Zongzi, making "cold food zongzi" a fashionable refreshment for young people. The ding dong "durian ice zongzi" pastry can be eaten after thawing for more than 10 minutes, with a silky taste of ice cream.

In recent years, the health demand of consumers has increased significantly, and the calory of Zongzi has become the focus of attention. Among the respondents, 41% of consumers value the low sugar property of Zongzi more. Vegetables, fruits, fungi, and other anti-greasy fillings, as well as replacing glutinous rice with coarse grains, have become new choices for consumers.

Small Zongzi is becoming a big industry

The small Zongzi is linked to the big industry.

With the development of Zongzi's consumption time and space towards a broad spectrum, and driven by the gift economy and culture and tourism economy, the total market volume of Zongzi will break through the 10 billion mark for the first time in 2024, and it is expected that China's Zongzi market will break through the 11 billion yuan scale in 2025.

Due to the homonym of zongzi and Chinese character of "China", this year's Dragon Boat Festival coincided with the college entrance examination. Many businesses in Ningbo packaged and sold traditional food such as the Dragon Boat Festival zongzi and the No. 1 cake with the blessing of "success". Through community promotion, live-streaming and co-branding, they became very popular in the market at the moment. In addition, traditional folk products such as mugwort leaves and colorful ropes have also been selling well.

During the Dragon Boat Festival this year, Zongzi Cultural Festival, Loong Boat Folk Custom Competition, Ancient Market, Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition, Han Costume Experience and other activities are clustered together to activate the cultural tourism market. The combination of folk custom consumption and traditional festivals makes holiday consumption more bright and dynamic

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