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Ningbo released white paper of energy utilization

Saving energy and protecting environment is the basic policy of the country and it is essential for the ecological construction of the city. On October 13, Report of Energy Uses in Ningbo 2010, compiled by Ningbo Municipal Economic Information Commission and other related departments, was officially released. This is the first white paper of energy uses released in the early period of the 12th Five-Year-Plan Period.

According to the report, in 2010 the comprehensive energy consumption of Ningbo is around 35,360,000 tons of standard coal, increased by 12,6% above the previous year. The energy consumption per 10,000 yuan GDP levels the same period in the previous year. Compared with the proceeding year, the energy consumption for the per 10,000 yuan added value of the first and the third industries drops down. The energy consumption for the per 10,000 yuan added value of the second industry rises by 1.57% above the previous year.

In 2010, the industrial energy consumption amounts to 26,710,000 tons of standard coal, with an increase of 20% over the previous year. Of the total, the energy consumption by large industrial enterprises increases by 15% over the previous year. This shows that the industrial energy consumption covers about 70% of the total. The major sources of energies are coal, petrol products, electric power, gas and thermal power. In the last year, the consumption of raw oil, coal and power shows and upward trend. In the year, the consumption of natural gas by large industrial enterprises is 3.13 times that of the previous year and the consumption of the liquefied natural gas, 39.3 times.

"In the coming 5 years, we'll have a severe situation for energy saving in industries," said an authority of a related department of Ningbo Municipal Economic Information Commission. The high industrial energy consumption is a major problem in the work of energy saving in Ningbo. In terms of the per unit energy consumption of industrial products and the energy consumption efficiency, we are quite behind the advanced international levels.

According to the report, the domestic energy consumption amounts to 2,584,000 standard coal, decreased by 17% against the same period of the previous year. However, the per capita energy consumption increases by 12%. "In the coming 5 years, rational and efficient use of energy is the key to energy saving," said a related authority of Ningbo Municipal Economic Information Commission

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