Copyright 2025 - Ningbo Life / Ningbo Expat

Special Discount Sales - 30% off Tuesday 11th Nov.

Dear friends and colleagues,

as it is tradition we would like to invite you to a special discount sale, Tuesday, Nov 11, from 8am - 6 pm - 30% on everything!
We have jackets, coats and vests for men and women in German quality - and in Western sizes and sleeve length. So when you need something to keep you warm during the Ningbo winter in your size - not in a small Chinese - come and see! And enjoy the discount.
Feel free to bring your friends!
Let me know when you would like to come or have any questions.
Kind regards 
Ulrich Maeder
Chairman of the Board 
Tel.: (86 574) 8848 7058 Fax: (86 574) 8848 3902 E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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