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Working base of Ningbo Academy of Painting and Calligraphy opened

On May 22, the working base of Ningbo Academy of Painting and Calligraphy opened. Chen Jiwu, Honorary Chairman of Ningbo Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Fu Dan, Chairman of Ningbo Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Ningbo Association for Promoting Chinese Culture, unveiled the working base.

Yang Jiming, commissioned to the establishment of the working base, said, Ningbo is a famous historical and cultural city. However, the painting artists and calligraphers did not have a suitable working base. In order to carry out the local culture of Ningbo and provide artists a perfect place for their artistic creation and promote the cultural industry, they started to make preparations in the last year to establish a working base. According to Yang Jiming, the working base of Ningbo Academy of Painting and Calligraphy is commissioned to promote the works of excellent painting artists and calligraphers. It will host a charity sale once every year to collect money for students of poverty-stricken families of Ningbo

International Tea Culture Festival to kick off in May

The 6th International Tea Culture Festival will be held from May 11 to 13 in International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Ningbo, said organizing committee of the Tea Culture Festival last Friday.

The Tea Culture Festival is jointly hosted by the China International Tea Culture Research Association, the China Tea Marketing Association, the China Tea Science Society, the Agriculture Department of Zhejiang Province and Ningbo Municipal  Government.

According to the organizing committee, the Tea Culture Festival features events including a tea fair, an agricultural products fair and a Taiwan trade fair. So far, the registration and invitation process of the fair has been completed. The organizers arrange 164 booths for the tea fair, including Mingzhou Tea Pavilion and Pavilion for Top Ten Zhejiang Tea. Besides, they invite 143 participating companies in the Agricultural Products Fair, with 100 kinds of well-known agricultural products. They also arrange 232 booths for 160 participating companies in Taiwan Trade Fair, which will display products including tea, crafts, leisure foods, and health foods.

Besides, a promotion conference for tea producers and buyers will be held during the festival. The China Tea Marketing Association has invited 100 tea buyers to the conference, which is the first time for Ningbo to invite professional buyers. In addition, the activities of the Tea Culture Festival also include the 6th Ningbo International Tea Culture Festival Trade Fair, a competition of tea ceremony, and a concert

The Ninth Collegiate Culture Art Festival held

Ningbo’s Ninth Collegiate Culture Art Festival was held at the Ningbo University on the afternoon of April, 14. The festival also marked the beginning of the series of activities for “Ningbo Entrepreneurs Visiting Campus”. 
During the festival, colleges and universities in Ningbo will unfold a variety of theme activities.
The serial activities of “Ningbo Entrepreneurs Visiting Campus” are considered an important carrier of the culture art festival. And the stop at Ningbo University was themed at dialogue between students and Ningbo merchants overseas. Many successful entrepreneurs were invited to meet the students, including Xin Yuanfu, managing director of Wing Ching Industrial (China-HK) Ltd and chairman of Ningbo & Hong Kong Fraternity Association, Jiang Xinghao, chairman of Hong Kong Jiangxing International Investment Company and also vice-chairman of Ningbo & Hong Kong Fraternity Association. Dai Guangzhong, director of the Research Institute of Ningbo Merchants Overseas, and Li Qihan, CEO of Scokow Technology in Ningbo National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone were also invited to attend the seminar.
In addition, a large-scale on-campus job fair was also held in Ningbo University that day


News Report about the Lecture at Shangri-La Hotel

if video not shwonig please go here

宁波日报网讯  上世纪四十年代,在上海,一个宁波女孩与一个犹太难民之间发生了一段“令人难以置信的罗曼史”,来自德国的专栏作家施台凡·舒曼把这条“大黄鱼”写成了一 本书:最后的避难地——上海。昨天晚上,在灵桥边上的香格里拉大酒店,来自德国的专栏作家施台凡·舒曼给前来捧场的各国朋友讲述了这个宁波女人的被他称为 是的跨国爱情故事,以及关于本书的一些细节。


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Ningbo to build a tea culture park

According to Ningbo Municipal Afforestation Administration, Ningbo is planning to build a tea culture park on the tea plantation on the Fuquan Mountain in the scenic area of Dongqian Lake.

Ningbo has a long history in tea. In the Tang and Song dynasties, Ningbo was the starting point of the Tea Road on the Sea, where the tea culture was transmitted to eastern Asian countries. However, Ningbo does not have a place to display its tea culture.

According to the plan, the tea culture park of Ningbo shall be a place of interest and a cultural project as well, with such functions as tea production, R&D of tea technology, tea brand promotion and display of tea culture. To be specific, the park of tea culture should be a national-level demonstrative tea plantation, a national-level base of tea breed resource, a production area of the tea branded "Mingzhou Xianming", an important tourist resort in east Zhejiang and a science popularity and education base.

The total investment of the park will be about 100 million yuan. The initial projects for this program will be Ningbo Tea Museum, Exhibition Center of Teas, Ningbo Tea Research Institute, and the packing center of Mingzhou Xianming tea

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