Ningbo high-temperature days will last through Friday, scorching heat will ease short

Category: Ningbo News
Published: Tuesday, 10 July 2012 09:26

Source 2012-7-10 9:00:27 Southeast Business
  Yesterday, the urban areas a maximum temperature of 36.7 ℃, and is the tenth hot days.
  The high temperature will wreak havoc. Municipal Meteorological Observatory issued a high temperature reported that the next two days the city the highest temperature will remain at 36 ° C to 38 ° C in some areas may reach 39 ℃.
  However, this round of sustained high temperature days is a "spent force". From the weather forecast is affecting our subtropical edge, and follow-up by the rains and is expected to start from Friday afternoon, the extremely hot weather will be short-term easing.
  Finally, the recommended two old Ningbo traditional aestivation desserts, a magnolia frozen Another Frozen fertility cake. Both desserts are rare, and occasionally also seen in some of the mall entrance was selling 1 to 2 per bowl.
  Southeast Business Dan Chengcheng