2 dead, 7 injured in plant construction scaffolding collapse

Category: Ningbo News
Published: Monday, 02 July 2012 09:16

Source 2012-6-29 9:20:47

Correspondent for map
  More than 6 o'clock yesterday morning, at dawn, Huang avoid Ao Township Day Star Casting Co., Ltd. Xiangshan County, construction workers have to work.
  Who would have thought, being built in two main plant of the external scaffolding collapsed, nine workers was immediately pressed in the following. Fire departments, emergency rescue, nine people were carried away and sent to a local hospital where, after inspection, three of them seriously injured.
  After the incident, Xiangshan county party secretary Li off set rushed to the disposal site, to go all out to do a site search and rescue and the injured and the rescue work.
  Xiangshan County magistrate Ye Jianming Lin Yalian, County deputy secretary, and other related leadership quickly arrived at the scene, set up by the county politics and law, the County Public Security Bureau, the County Safety Supervision Bureau, the county fire brigade, the county building housing the Bureau County Health Bureau, to avoid ao township government composed of incident handling group, go all out to do the scene and rescue the injured rescue, accident investigation and handling, and injured family members to appease.
  At present, nine pressure workers have been rescued, sent to the First People's Hospital of Xiangshan County, the first time for treatment, and invited the Ningbo expert to come to consultation.
  More than 10 o'clock last night, the reporter learned from the hospital, was rushed to hospital for treatment of 9 people, 2 people died from his injuries.
(Correspondent A mud reporter Zheng Zhenguo intern Liang Qianqian)