Flight delays are expected to ease

Category: Ningbo News
Published: Tuesday, 11 September 2012 09:14

Source 2012-9-11 8:39:31 Modern Gold Report
  Ningbo Airport, nearly 1/3 of flight delays in October of Civil Aviation will promote the opening of low-altitude airspace in 1-8 months
Mr. Lee sat in Ningbo Airport last month 4 aircraft, hit three times delay. The one direct flights canceled due to typhoon reasons. Speaking of this thing, he has a stomach of grievances. Flight delays seem more and more frequent, especially in the summer thunderstorm season.
  Lishe International Airport yesterday announced a set of data: nearly 30,000 flights take off and land in 1-8 months, about 10,000 flights delayed due to various reasons.
  □ correspondent Huangyue Guang Zhu true purpose single Following Peng
  Reporter Xue Caosheng
  As of August, the flight delays accounted for more than 30
  Mr. Fung is a businessman, and frequently between Ningbo and Beijing, and basically want to travel four or five times a month. Last month, due to the "sea anemone" strikes, frequent flights to Beijing Gaiqian day to and from the Ningbo Airport three times, but eventually canceled flights.
  Before sitting flights will select the normal rate some airlines do not know Which one, only luck. "Mr. Fung quipped.
  Ningbo flight delays in the end many?
  Yesterday, Ningbo Airport has announced a set of data: 1-8 months of this year, the airport protection of all kinds of flights taking off and landing 29,506 sorties, of which the number of delayed flights due to all causes nearly 9500 sorties, flight regularity rate of 67.8%. In 7-8 months, the airport daily flight only 50% of the normal rate even more.
  Ningbo airport all flights from the destination, the normal rate is lower flights in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the higher density in these three directions; view from the time period, each of the two periods flights normal lower rate, 1-2 months and 7-8 months, this time easily affected by weather factors.
  The Ningbo Airport running security manager Yan Xinhua said, flight delays are a common problem of the aviation industry, but flight delays holistic basically not an airport delays flights particularly large or particularly small.
  Domestic airspace resource constraints is the root cause
  1-8 months of this year, Ningbo Airport 9500 flights were delayed. Airlines reasons accounted for 3% to 4% of the bad weather, air traffic control accounted for 20%, and 1% other security reasons. Obviously, the "air traffic control" is the biggest cause of flight delays.
  The air traffic control mainly refers to the empty tube flow control, navigation equipment malfunction or failure of the air traffic control, and military activities. Insiders punched image for example. "It's like we weekdays driving, more and more motor vehicles, road capacity is limited, may be congestion on the limit line measures need to be taken."
  With the rapid growth of the civil aviation industry, now select aircraft travel is becoming more common, the number of aircraft, routes are leaps and bounds, but the degree of openness of airspace resources has not kept pace, and this is the main reason for flight delays, but the situation was soon expected to be eased.
  October 18, the civil aviation system will take a series of targeted reform measures to ease flight delays. This includes promoting the opening of low-altitude airspace. The pilot has seven communities in the Northeast, Central South two major, and Ningbo, next year will be gradually extended nationwide. Second civil aircraft will allow flexibility in the use of the route routes and levels. The original single route routes change as demand choose to use multiple routes routes.
  Insiders said that these measures will improve airspace utilization, the passenger sitting in the plane waiting to take off, hovering in the air waiting to land will be substantially reduced.