Ningbo to enforce strictest management system of water resources

Category: Ningbo District
Published: Tuesday, 23 July 2013 08:25

The other day, Ningbo Municipal Government released a document in which it is stipulated that Ningbo shall enforce the strictest management system of water resources and accelerate the ecological construction. From 2013 to 2020, by the enforcement of the strictest management system of water resources and the ecological construction, Ningbo should put have total water utilization into effective control, that the efficiency of water utilization should be notably raised and that the quality of the functional water zones should be notably improved. 
By 2016, the annual total water utilization should be within 2.44 billion cubic meters, the per 10,000-yuan-GDP water utilization should be bellow 30 cubic meters, the per-10,000-yuan-industrial-added-value water utilization should be bellow 14.5 cubic meters, and the available factor of agricultural irrigation water should be increased to 0.58. 71% of the key water functional zones should have the water quality reach the standard and 100% of the drinking water sources for the county-level places should be up to the standard. 
In the enforcement of the strictest system on water resources, Ningbo will enforce the control line of total water utilization, enforce Comprehensive Plan of Ningbo Water Resources, specify the control line of total water utilization, and governments of all levels should announce the list of key water resources. 

In the meanwhile, Ningbo will push forward the protection and renovation of the water ecological systems, make great efforts to improve the water environment in urban and rural areas, keep carrying out the “flowing water” program, push forward the protection and renovation of wetlands, and further implement the soil conservation program.