E-commerce brings vitality to the traditional industries

Category: Ningbo Business
Published: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 10:11

A month after the premiere of the first micro video in June 2015, Zeng Guoxin’s Maoyanwenhua Creative Com. Ltd. has signed annual cooperation agreement with several enterprises like Coco-cola on micro-video publicity, which greatly boosts his confidence.
Zeng is a college student who started up his own E-commerce business with the support of Ningbo Digital Park in Economic Development Zone. Now Internet+ has become a major driving force for mass entrepreneurship and innovation. Under this background, Beilun District made an E-commerce entrepreneurship action plan to promote the combination of mobile internet, cloud calculation, big data and modern manufacturing industry. It will also encourage young people, especially college students to start up their businesses or to innovate.
“I chose to come here mainly because the threshold for a startup is low. We didn’t need to invest a lot at the very beginning,” said Zeng Guoxin, a major in Industrial Design, graduated from Ningbo Polytechnic. He said that since he moved in the base, they could enjoy free monthly rent and some entrepreneurship subsidies; the base also provides some supporting facilities like office furniture and broadband. Creators can move in without too much preparation.
It is learned that there are about 26 online college students’ startups in the base. The annual turnover reached over 12 million yuan and created 120 job opportunities.
At the end of 2014, relying on existing industry resources in Beilun District, Beilun built the E-commerce service platform. On the one hand, it builds an online platform for young entrepreneurs to display their products and services; on the other hand, it trained E-commerce talents and added a new business model for the development of traditional industries in Beilun District.