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Ningbo Olympic Center will start construction in 2014

Ningbo Olympic Center located in Yaojiang New district will start construction this year, the 1st phase project to be complete in 2017. Presently, there are three alternative designs, which will be published on the Website of Ningboplan from July 28th to August 4th. If you are interested in the designs, you can search them online and make your suggestions based on the alternative designs or tell the architect your idea of Olympic Center. 
According to the plan, the specific location of Ningbo Olympic center is by Hongtang West road in the east, near Yaojiang in the south, neighboring Guanugyuan road in the west and close to Beihuan Epxress in the north. The center will occupy an area of 543,336 square meters, about three times Tianyi Square. The center will consist of a stadium, a gymnasium, a swimming pool, a complex gymnasium and an international sports exchange center. 

In the first phase, the gymnasium, swimming pool, complex gymnasium and sports park will be built, which are designed for sports competitions, training of professional teams, large cultural exchange, shows, sports exhibition, swimming training and ball games. The second phase will build the stadium and international sports exchange center. The sports park, as the transition for the stadium in the second phase, is mainly composed of outdoor sports, with track and field training courts, exercises path, cage football courts, outdoor basketball courts and tennis courts. 
Three designs for public selection
In order to guarantee the quality of the design, several fixed targets were set for the project. For example, the gyms and courts should be practical as well as artistic. And it will serve as a landmark in the future; its functions will include exercising, cultural activity and commercial service; besides ensuring its sports effect and entertainment, its environmental protection, energy-saving and standard intelligence should also be guaranteed; finally, the convenience of transportation is another requirement.
“We have invited prestigious designing companies for the project. The current three designs have been selected, evaluated and revised,” said an official from the Municipal Planning bureau. You are welcome to view your opinion and select the YOUR Olympic Center.

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