Copyright 2024 - Ningbo Life / Ningbo Expat

Ningbo to speed up construction of water ecological civilization city

Accelerating the water ecological civilization city construction, as well as reversing the deterioration of ecological environment of water from the source, is the important foundation and support to building beautiful Ningbo. Recently, it is learned from Ningbo Water Conservancy Bureau that, from 2013 on, Ningbo will speed up the construction of the water ecological civilization city through such projects as the linkage project of water source with rivers and lakes, protection and repair project of water ecological system, water ecological landscape project and cultivation of water culture. It strives to become a national pilot area and a demonstration area for water ecological civilization construction.
The construction in Ningbo will demonstrate outstanding characteristics of the water area in South China. Based on the existing water conservancy facilities, the construction will combine with the flood control and drainage project, and will realize a systematic water environment treatment with restored water ecology, improved water environment, enhanced water landscapes and publicized water culture. By 2016, the water use per ten thousand yuan GDP will be controlled below 30 cubic meters, with the success rate of the water quality in major water functional areas surpassing 71%, that of the water quality in the central water sources above the county level reaching 100%, and the water supply rate reaching over 90% for living and production of urban and rural people. 
According to the plan, to demonstrate the ecological functions and characteristics of Yaojiang River, Fenghuajiang River and Yongjiang River, Ningbo will build the water ecological system and the supporting ecological landscape facilities around some of the major sections of the three-river area, with such features as complete functions, coordinated development and healthy harmony. Specifically,

the urban section of Yaojiang River, namely, the 40km-long bank in Yinzhou District and Jiangbei District, will be built as an ecological cultural corridor, besides its traditional functions in flood control, water storage and shipping. Along the road, the walking trail and cycling trail will be built to Yinzhou and Jiangbei cross 40 km embankment construction, will meet the flood control, water storage, shipping and other traditional functions, while creating an eco-cultural corridor, Ningbo, and will tour trail construction across the board and bike paths, improved hydrophilic functionality.
The city will fully enhance the water ecological landscape in such areas as Yuyao-Cixi Plain, southeast of Yinzhou District, north of Yinzhou District, and Jiangbei District and Zhenhai District, to improve the living environment in the rural and urban areas. In the southeast of Yinzhou District, based on such waters as Dongqian Lake, Yongxin River, Yanshan River, Houtang River and Xiaojia River, a modern, fashionable and high-end water ecological landscape stretch will be built. Jiangbei District and Zhenhai District will build the water ecological landscapes by combining modern views with historical culture. As to the Cixi-Yuyao plain, with the demands of urban expansion, it will be built as a safe and humane water eco-system. In the west part of Yinzhou District, the ecological landscape with a strong flavor of natural scenery will be built.
Ningbo will actively promote the construction of the “coastal reclamation water cultural area” based on the existing beach reclamation projects. The area covering the reclaimed fields, Zhengxu Reservoir, Cixi Reservoir and Meishan Waterway will develop such functions as sightseeing, leisure and tourism. In the meanwhile, the city will continue to strengthen the protection of the sources for drinkable water, including the protection of 24 large and medium-sized reservoirs with the function of providing drinkable water, such as Baixi Reservoir, Hengshan Reservoir and Siming Lake Reservoir.

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