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Zhejiang Eastern Building Material Group won the May 1st Labor Medal 201

Zhejiang Eastern Building Material Group has won the 2013 May 1st Labor Medal, being the only enterprise awarded in Ningbo. 
“This is a great honor having resulted from our persistence”, remarked Qiu Fenglei, chief of the Group. 
Workers in this Group shared one dream—make best products for China and the world. In the past 28 arduous years, the Group has always been devoted to building material industry of foundations, concrete members and aluminum materials. 
But it has been hard for them to keep to their dream. 
The Group was being laughed at more than ten years ago when competition in cement industry was severe and the Group was slow in development.  
It was considered being silly for the Group did not develop real estate even though they had product chains that were closet to real estate industry.
In 2009, rail transportation was developed in Ningbo and the Group resolved to produce materials needed in the metro subway.
Upon the release of the project feasibility report, they were being teased again:“Profit for an investment as high as 100 million yuan is little. How silly they are.”

“This is a huge civil project. It is Ningbo enterprises’ responsibility to join and we have the capacity to make it.” Management workers of the Group finally decided on the project after thorough discussion and imported the most advanced automatic product line from abroad. 
Having passed through test, the Group finally became one of the three product suppliers for Line 1 and got a higher supply share for Line 2. 
   As a result of quicker innovation, the Group has become the drafter of industry standards for different industries and countries. But it was also because issues of standards that they were being laughed at for the third time .

It came out four years ago that the steel plates of foundation products should be thickened. 
Even though the change would bring a profit loss of 20 million yuan, the Group did not hesitate at all to adopt the new standard in production, 
However, sales managers soon said that the new products did not have any advantage when competing with old ones. 
And the Group was being made fun of again:“While others are still complying with the old standard, it is too silly of the Group to rush to the new one.”
“It is of great importance that a building has a solid foundation. For an enterprise with responsibility, the first thing is to ensure its products’ quality.”By practicing this belief, the Group has been recognized by customers and markets. 
Now among the 70% enterprises having adopted new standards, the Group undoubtedly ranks first. 

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