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Ningbo Exhibition and Trade Center of Import Goods opened Ningbo

Ningbo Exhibition and Trade Center of Import Goods opened Ningbo has made a new steady step forward to build an import-oriented international trade market with harbors. Ningbo Exhibition and Trade Center of Import Goods (phase I) was opened in the 9th hall of Ningbo International Exhibition and Trade Center on June 8th. Zhong Shan, an official from Ministry of Commerce, Liang Liming, vice governor of Zhejiang Province and Hong Jiaxiang, vice mayor of Ningbo Municipality attended the opening.

The Center was established to accelerate building Ningbo into an international trade city, to comply with the national policy of encouraging import and to meet the increasing consumption needs of Ningbo people. Taking advantage of favor policies in the bounded areas and its store convenience, the Center will serve as the key service platform for Ningbo international service.

At present, more than 40 enterprises have settled here. Goods including import food, daily households and luxuries are from more than 20 countries of France, Italy, America and regions of Taiwan.

It has been planned that in three to five years, the Center will cover a trade area of 200,000 square meters and a store area of one million square meters, with 3,000 enterprises settling here.

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