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Ningbo Consumer Market Turned for the Better

The consumer market turns better with brisk sales of hot products and the transformation of the catering industry. Statistics from Bureau of Trade, Ningbo shows that in April the retail amount of consumption goods reached 10.2 billion Yuan with a rise of 13.6% compared with the same period and an increase of 2.2% compared with that of March. 
In April, the prices of gold went down, leading to a good selling. The three kinds of traditional goods--cars, housing decoration goods and daily necessities--also sold well. The retail amount of cars and housing decoration goods increased by 12% and 13% respectively. 
April witnessed a great improvement in retails. The retail amount of 18 key departments reached 640 million Yuan, with an increase of 30.8% over the same period of last year and an increase of 15% from that of last month. The retail amount of 12 supermarkets (convenience stores) achieved 700 million Yuan, with an increase of 12.6% over the same period of last year and 24.2% higher than last month. The retail amount of 8 malls achieved 285 million Yuan, with an increase of 10.3% over the same period of last year and 4.9% higher than last month.
The turnover of April increased by 4.9% over the same period of last year, with an increase of 3.8% in meals charge. This has been achieved through the adjustment in catering industries and consumption promotions. 
The daily necessities market remained stable with the retail amount of grain and oil, food, drinks, cigarettes and wines reaching 1.01 billion Yuan, an increase of 9.3% than that of last year. 

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