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Industrial economy of Ningbo on steady recovery

In the first quarter of 2013, the industrial economy of Ningbo maintained the recovery that started in the last half of 2012. The total industrial added value of large industrial enterprises amounted to 50.5 billion yuan, increased by 7.1% year on year, and there was an increase in all the industrial economic targets. 
The production and sales of industries went smoothly. In the first quarter of this year, the GDP of the large industrial enterprises of Ningbo amounted to 277.3 billion yuan, increased by 5.6% year on year. The sales reached 269.4 billion yuan, increased by 7.1% year on year. The ratio of the production and the sales reached 97.1%, 1.4 points higher than the same period of the previous year. 
Of the 12 counties (cities and districts), 11 had positive increases, 5 of which had the increase exceeding 8%, and 4 of which are listed by Zhejiang as counties powerful in industrial economy. Of these cities, Yuyao had its industrial added value increased by 13.7% on the yearly basis. Of the 36 industries, 26 had increases of various degrees. 

Industrial export stopped the negative increase. In the first quarter of this year, the output value of exports of the large industries reached 61.5 billion yuan, increased by 4.6% year on year. The output value of exports covers 22.8% of the total sales of the city, 2.1 points above the same period of previous year. 
The industrial investment continued the increase started in the last year. In the first quarter, the total investment in industries reached 21.8 billion yuan, increased by 43.3% over the precious year, 21.4 points higher than the increase rate of the total social investment in fixed assets. The industrial investment accounts for 30.4% of the total social investment in fixed assets, 4.5 points above the same period of previous year. 
At the meeting, it was decided that to promote the steady development, the city this year will start the three-year robot replacement program to rectify the low-end, high energy consuming and highly polluting industries. In the meanwhile, it will carry out the upgrade program for small and micro enterprises. The counties, cities and districts will give support to some of the small and micro enterprises whose production value each is between 5 million and 20 million yuan, so as to upgrade at least 660 small and micro enterprises. 

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