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16 schools identified as soccer characteristic schools

Category: On The Campus
Published: Tuesday, 29 September 2015 08:21

The Ministry of Education released the 2015 list of national youth campus soccer characteristic schools and pilot counties and districts, identifying 8627 primary and secondary schools as youth soccer characteristic schools and 38 counties or districts campus soccer pilots.

16 schools in Ningbo are included in the list, they are as follows: the Pengqiao Primary School of henghe Town of Cixi County, the Central Primary School of Chongshou Town of Cixi County, Wenqi Primary School of Cixi County, Yangming Middle School of Yuyao County, Ningbo No.4 Middle School, Lingshan Middle School of Beilun District, Xiapu Primary School of Beilun District, Wuling Primary School of Fenghua County, Fenghua Technical School, the Foreign Languages Experimental Primary School of Jiangdong District, Chunxiao Middle School, Maoshan Primary School of Jiangshan Town of Yinzhou District, Gaoqiao Town Central Primary School of Yinzhou District, the Experimental Secondary School of Jiangshan Town of Yinzhou District, Yinzhou Vocational Education Central School and XIangshan Foreign Languages School