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It's Happening....

Diary Of Janet Huang (Huang Jianing) 24-11 till 29-11

佳宁 11月24日日记
November 24
Doctor said I didn’t need to do the injection until the blood cells get too low. Staying in the hospital is no better than imprisoned in the jail. I performed my best behavior in order to quickly get out of here. I am so eager to be back to the colorful world which recalls my precious memory.

黄佳宁 11月25日 病房日记
November 25
Mummy didn’t need to work until I went to school. She gained little money but had frequent over-time

work. Daddy was even busier that he only came home during Spring Festival for a couple of weeks. Once I caught the cold I will cough then got the bronchi or pneumonia, so mummy spent a lot of time with me to visit the hospital. The wasted time should be made up by the extra work. During this period, granny took care of me. She was 80 years old and I was told she could die during my sleeping time, thus I never sleep before mummy came back. With granny’s accompany, I could read books, write characters, watch TV, draw pictures and cut papers. Lying on the bed, without much to do, I felt that time happy but myself evil. If I could time-travel to the former, I would never torture my granny again.

November 26
There is a 24-year-old pretty girl in the NO. 8 sickbed. She suffers the same kind of illness as me. Today her BF visited her and brought me 2 comic books. Yippy! It’s a good idea to talk with her
to forget some unhappiness and to face the hope in the future. It’s Saturday and people from Love Alliance organized another charity bazaar for me. Thank you everybody the Great! Wish all of you healthy and peaceful!
昨天上午血查出来白细胞掉下来只有60 0个,晚上就开始打催白针。今天下午我开始低烧,量了好几次都在38度以下,护士又给我加上了消炎的针,我真的盼望白细胞升得快一点,温度也不要再上去,让我顺利一点,争取早点完成这次化疗。
November 27
I did the special injection last night because of the sharply decrease of WBC. I had low fever this afternoon and got an antichloristic injection. Oh, come on, let the WBC increase, let the fever drop, let me leave the hospital smoothly!

11月28日 黄佳宁的病房日记
我觉得我好像个罪人,我一个人生病连累了太多太多的人。爸爸因为我的病两年没去打工;小弟弟呢?因为我移植妈妈照顾我太累早产;妈妈为了我受的苦最多,从生下我开始妈妈的左腿就肿胀,那时候因为没钱,妈妈也没去检查,后来去小医院查过两次也没查出什么,妈妈因为白天忙碌也没在意这只脚,等每晚休息的时候才坐下来用双手搓,我曾经用像皮尺帮她量过,两只脚相同的地方一般相差 5_6厘米,妈妈舍不得花钱, 她也说这么多年了也不一定能医好?我担心妈妈年纪大了这只脚不能走路了。好心的人假如你知道这种病请告诉我妈妈要去哪里治?关心、帮助我的还有爱心同盟的叔叔、阿姨 大学里的哥哥、姐姐们、还有许多志愿者、还有很多热心的人,他们都为我付出了很多。我只有好好治病才对得起你们。我今天白细胞只有500,血小板6000.还是有点低烧,血小板有的话可能晚上要输。
November 28
I feel myself a criminal that inflicted so many people. Daddy didn’t work for 2 years, and my little brother was born too early. Mummy suffered the most. Ever since I were born, her left leg was swelling, but she didn’t check it well. During the daytime, she didn’t have time to worry about it, while at night, she needed to rub it for a long time. Once I measured it for her, there was a 5-6 cm difference. She didn’t want to spend any money on her disease, but I am afraid she will cripple when she gets older. I wonder if anybody knows where to cure this kind of disease. Today I had low WBC of 500, low platelet of 600, and low fever, so I might get injection tonight. Anyway, I am full of confidence thinking of all the people who helped me.

11月29日 黄佳宁的病房日记 今天傍晚血小板送来了,护士先给我吃了一颗抗过敏的药,过了十多分钟送来一袋淡黄色的血小板。记得上次我快输完的时候,全身痒,两只眼睛肿胀,不一会就发起了高烧。这一次我不停地祈祷:让我这次输血顺利,让我的温度不要再往上升,老天爷,可伶我,顾念我。果然这次比上次顺利多了,虽然体温升到38.1,但没有明显的过敏反应。我现在感觉有点冷,我也觉得好困,我没胃口,晚饭也没吃,先让我睡一觉吧!
November 29
At dusk, nurse fed me an anti-allergic pill. Ten minutes later, she brought me a bag of platelet which is light yellow. That reminded me of last time. I got itchy and fever, and my eyes were swelling, so I repeatedly pray for this time, “Dear God, please bless me everything smooth and no fever. “ He did hear me. Though I had a fever of 38.1 D/C, there wasn’t any allergic. I just felt a little cold and tired. “Sorry my dinner, I don’t have any appetite now, and please let me sleep for a while first.”


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