Ningbo will start the certification and registration of e-sports athletes

Category: Top News
Published: Monday, 15 April 2019 14:52

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the General Administration of Market Supervision, and the Bureau of Statistics recently issued notices, officially confirming 13 new career information, including e-sports operators and e-sports players. "It is a new opportunity to enter the new profession. Of course, e-sports has ushered in a new opportunity for development." The relevant person in charge of the Ningbo Electronic Sports Association said that the city will immediately start training, certification and registration of e-sports athletes and referees.


According to the official definition, e-sportsmen are people who compete in different types of e-sports competitions, training, experiencing and performances. The main tasks of the e-sportsman include 5 items: participating in e-sports competitions; professional e-sports training activities; collecting and researching e-sports team dynamics, e-sports game content, providing professional e-sports data analysis; participating in e-sports design and planning, experiencing the e-sports game and making suggestions; participating in the performance of the e-sports event. The e-sports operator is a person engaged in organizing activities and content operations in the e-sports industry, whose major tasks include: conducting overall planning and conceptual planning of e-sports activities; designing and formulating activity plans; coordinating the resources of e-sports activities and organizing e-sports activities.

The Ministry of Human and Social Affairs said that in recent years, under the impetus of international competitions, computer-based athletic projects have developed rapidly, and e-sports has become a huge emerging industry. The professionalization of e-sports operators and e-sportsmen is imperative.

Ningbo E-sports Association was established on December 18, 2018. Li Zhonghao, who was elected the first president of the association, said at the inaugural meeting that the association will promote the healthy development of Ningbo E-sports and commit to the e-sports industry, the specialization and diversified development, which include the establishment and improvement of the electric competition system, strengthening the guidance management and regulation, and at the same time strengthening the interactive communication within the industry to eliminate the misunderstanding of the society on the e-sports industry." Nowadays, after being listed as an "official profession", e-sports practitioners all over the country are cheering: finally, you can start your work justifiably!

In fact, as early as in 2003, the State Sports General Administration officially approved the e-sports as the 99th official sports competition. At the 6th International Olympic Committee Summit in 2017, the delegates discussed the rapid development of the current e-sports industry and finally agreed to regard it as a “sport”. From the Chinese team in Jakarta to win the first e-sports champion of the Asian Games, to the Chinese IG team to reach the summit of "League of Legends" global finals, the continuous achievements in the international competition drive the e-sports in China's to develop on the fast track.

According to the data in the "2018 China E-sports Industry Development Report", China's e-sports market has reached 8.48 billion yuan in 2018. By 2020, the output value of the e-sports industry chain is expected to reach 21.1 billion yuan. At the same time, there is a huge gap in talents. According to statistics, the number of practitioners in the e-sports industry is about 50,000, and the number of job vacancies is 260,000. By 2020, the talent gap will be expanded to 500,000