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TANTOUSHAN 2.0: 2 day camping adventure

Looking for something new and exciting to do?  How about joining Asia English as we travel to the Island of Tantoushanfor a two day one night camping trip?  We are still working out all the details..but if you are interested I this trip send me an email or go to the website here ( and follow along as I provide more information.  You can also look at photos and information from last year’s event here..

Saturday and Sunday  August 27th and 28th
Pickup around Tianyi at 7:00 am… returning to Ningbo around 10:0 pm Sunday.
Activities on the island will include: Frisbee, Swimming, Hiking, Roasting Marshmellows… and much more!
Tents are available as well as a small hotel on the island.


还在寻找一些新鲜的刺激的事情来做吗 ?加入亚英商务和我们一起2天一夜檀头山露营旅行怎么样?我们还在制定所有的细节。。不过如果你对这个旅行很感兴趣,请发邮件给我或者打开我们网站( 我也会提供更多的信息。你还可以参阅我们去年在檀头山活动的一些图片事件。.


时间:星期六星期日 82728



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