Tiered pricing for water draws attention

Category: Ningbo News
Published: Wednesday, 12 October 2011 06:39

Recently, CCTV reporters spent several days in Ningbo interviewing the city’s tiered pricing for water in terms of background conditions, methods, effects and so on, asserting that the successful implement would serve as a good example for the country’s operation and management of water.


Tiered pricing for water achieves water conservation by using price leverage. There will be designated water consumption every month. Within the consumption range, the price is calculated by normal price. Once the consumption exceeds the range, the more water you use,  the higher price it will be.


Every household must own a water consumption calculator in order to implement this method. Since 2003, transformation has been carried out on a large scale and by far, the reform has basically completed. Since its implementation, the  city has saved two tons of water.