Informationnization level of Ningbo going ahead

Category: Ningbo News
Published: Monday, 09 January 2012 15:10

Ningbo's informationization level goes ahead in the whole province, standing in line with Hangzhou in the first echelon, according to the lately released report on Zhejiang regional informationization index, which made a detailed analysis of the informationaization level of 11 cities in Zhejiang Province during the 11th Five-year Plan Period.

It is known that the informationization index consists of the five sub-indexes of infrastructure, industrial technology, applied consumption, intellectual support and development effects and fourteen specific indexes. Judged from the data for 2010, Ningbo ranked side by side with Hangzhou among the "first category", that is, the area with a relatively high level of informationization, with its five sub-indexes standing respectively at 0.782, 0.983, 0.937, 0.947 and 0.968 and the overall index at 0.923. According to the report, Ningbo has a solid foundation for the development of informationization and has achieved a good development effect, especially in the above-scale enterprises. In 2010, the proportion of the added value of information manufacturing reached 12.10%, the highest among all the cities in the province