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2012 Lantern Festival: dazzling lanterns with delicate cuisine

How to Celebrate the Chinese Lantern Festival this year has been a topic of concern for the local residents in Ningbo recently. Resources from the Municipal Bureau of Tourism said, the Lantern Day in 2012 will be highlighted by traditional elements like the lantern shows and riddle guessing as well as a number of delicate cuisines. In addition, more Lantern Festival events will be held in squares and museums downtown, not limit to temples and old towns in the past.

In Ninghai, the annual Lantern Festival carnival presents a beautiful landscape for the locals and visitors. The unique Drums and Pavilions Parade will be held in Qiantong ancient town, a town renowned in Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces for its cultural flavor.
In Ninghai, the 14th day on the first lunar month, instead of the 15th day, is celebrated as the Lantern Festival, which is commonly known as "the 14th Night". Besides traditional activities like eating "yuanxiao" and watching lantern show, the local residents will enjoy the magnificent drum pavilions parade, rich-contented customs and firework displays.

From February 4 to February 12, a series of lantern fairs will be held at Wanda Plaza, Jiangbei district. From 10:00 am to 22:00 pm, visitors can participate in riddles guessing and different games while eating "yuanxiao".

Lantern Fair this year has six areas, which are the performance area, the riddles-guessing area, food service area, flower display area, exhibition area and recreation area. Riddles guessing are the highlight of this Lantern Fair. The organizers have invited more than 20 star hotels, restaurants, and more than 30 traditional snacks sellers to provide food service for the visitor

Ningbo heading for modern metropolis

In 2011, Ningbo municipality stepped up the modernization efforts with a series of construction plans which involved 50 key development blocks and 100 major infrastructure projects with a total investment of 142.8 billion yuan, hitting a record high. Ningbo is well on its way to an international port city. During the past five years, the city has launched unprecedented push for urban construction, including the enlarging framework of the city, the multi-traffic network system replacing the traditional one, and enhancement and perfection of functional urban blocks. At present, the urbanization rate of Ningbo has reached 66%, 7 percentage points higher over five years ago, taking a lead in Zhejiang province. Meanwhile, Ningbo ranks the first for balancing of urban and rural development in Zhejiang province for five consecutive years. In brief, urban construction is playing a key role in Ningbo's economic and social development. Back in September 2006, the Ningbo municipal government released a regional development strategy, setting out the all-round urban construction in Ningbo. The implementation of the strategy has successfully boosted the development and construction of the functional urban blocks. So far, a total investment of 120 billion yuan has been allocated in the construction of the ten blocks. More than 100 projects are under construction, 70 of which were completed and put into use. The rational layout of urban transportation infrastructure has formed, with a number of major projects including Ningbo–Taizhou–Wenzhou Railway, Hangzhou Bay Bridge, Zhoushan Island-Land Project, Ring Expressway, and Ningbo-Jinhua Expressway, put into use, further strengthening Ningbo’s position as transportation hub. The urban road network has formed to ensure a more convenient and efficient transportation. By the end of 2011, the total mileage of the central urban roads had reached 1500 km, with a road area per capita of 14.46 square meters, an increase of 11.4% and 9.7% respectively, compared with the end of 2006. Ningbo is taking a new look, too. A series of renovation projects and environmental infrastructure projects are well under way. The wastewater treatment capacity has risen from 370,000 tons in 2006 to 1.44 million tons, which means 85.21% of the wastewater has been properly treated in urban center. The improvement of living environment in Ningbo further ensures the life quality of both urban and rural residents. Since 2008, 126 rivers have been regulated. By the end of 2011, the urban ratio of green space had risen to 38.04% with 34.51% in built-up areas, the per capita public green space amounting to 10.49 square meters. All the administrative villages in plan have been renovated, 97% of which has a waste disposal system, and the rate of rural electrification reaches 93.4%

Press Release Reading at Shangri-La Hotel

Press report about shangri-la reading. Mr Stefan Schomann

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   《最后的避难地:上海》像小说,像回忆录,又像报告文学。它没有任何虚构,是作者在采访杨珍珠和索卡尔本人及其熟人基础上完成的。作者让两个主人公交替讲述自己的经历和心灵历程,又恰到好处地把自己的考察和历史资料糅进故事的背景之中。本报记者 陈晓旻


   史岱帆·舒曼(Stefan Schomann),1962年生,曾在慕尼黑和柏林攻读日耳曼语言文学。自1988年起,作为自由撰稿人和文化记者为 《GEO》、《国家地理》杂志、《全球环境展望》、《明星周刊》、《梅里安》杂志、《时代周报》和《法兰克福评论报》等撰稿。出版专著《最后的避难地:上 海》。




   虽然,我很早就知道二战期间德国有很多犹太人逃亡到上海,也看过很多外国人写的有关传记和故事,但对那段历史的叙述中居然没有中国人在场,感到特别不可 思议。有一天,当我知道有这么一个生动真实的故事,而且男女主人公都还健在,我特别兴奋、惊讶,觉得一定要把故事写出来,把遗漏的细节写出来,还原历史的 真实。




   从生活空间来说,他们跨越了亚洲、欧洲、美洲三个大洲;从时间空间来说,他们跨越了半个多世纪;从人物身份来说,一开始,罗伯特·索卡尔是难民的身份, 而杨珍珠是漂亮又有钱的大家闺秀,杨的父亲是早年留学美国的著名医生。后来,杨珍珠跟随毕业后留学美国的丈夫,并为了爱情放弃了自己的学业,打临工维持家 庭生计,同时默默支持丈夫的学术研究。她的奉献,成就了丈夫的事业,也体现了一位东方女性的牺牲精神。多年后,罗伯特·索卡尔教授成了世界著名的昆虫学 家,获得了大量荣誉,他创立的生物统计学直到今天仍然被广泛应用,直到今天,他仍然笔耕不辍,继续从事着他的科学研究。而杨珍珠再也没有了家人的消息。在 上个世纪五六十年代的历史环境中,这个大家庭遭遇了灭顶之灾。这种命运的颠倒起伏充满酸楚,透过他们的爱情故事,不仅可以看到一部犹太人流亡上海的简史, 同时也能看到一个中国医生世家的沉浮。


   史岱帆·舒曼:我想不管是哪个国家的作家,不管是不是在写他自己,一定跟创作者自己的文化背景和生命体验有关,只有契合他自己的情感体验,才会写得深 刻。我跟我的中国女朋友在一起已经13年,也正是在她的鼓励和催促下,我才完成了这本书,所以我称它为我们“爱情的结晶”。



   史岱帆·舒曼:我在书中主要写了中国的两个城市:上海和宁波。如果光写上海,尽管它是大城市,很有名,但不能完全代表中国,而且上海是个年轻的城市,不 像宁波那样有悠久的历史文化。恰好主人公又出生在宁波,我在采访中发现宁波的外滩开埠居然比上海还要早,上海滩基本是宁波人在打拼,觉得宁波人真的特别厉 害。能够通过宁波和上海两个城市来表现当时的中国,我很骄傲。

  我还了解到宁波有河姆渡文化和天一阁藏书楼,宁波的历史很了不起。所有这 些传统文化一定要保护好。德国人对于这些优秀的传统文化是充满敬重的,所以如果下次到宁波来,我的理想是能够在天一阁开个讲座,那一定很棒!我到宁波采访 了几次,发现宁波人特别自信,说起自己的城市有种自豪感。为什么会这样?我想首先是有历史底蕴,其次是因为港口城市,是见过市面的,世界多大,他心里有 底。所以宁波能够说出一句很海的话:走遍天下,不如宁波江厦。


  史岱帆·舒曼:我对 中国的传统文化有广泛的兴趣。包括中国的园林、中国的科学历史等,当然中国的传统文化太博大了,我只能有限地了解。中国过去的瓷器、书画等艺术水平很高, 说明古人的审美能力高,生活优雅闲适。当然我不是故意美化过去,而是客观地写,客观地介绍。但是“诗意地栖居”确实是整个社会发展的方向。





   史岱帆·舒曼:作家当然应该承担社会责任感。当一个作家写的作品发表了,就不完全属于自己了,当作者开始影响他人,你就必须担当社会责任。但同时,我觉 得不能简单地把责任感等同于意识形态、教育人、文化阐述等。写作者是文字的艺术家,跟其他音乐舞蹈等艺术家一样,所以首先应该具有文字的美、文学的美,在 这种表达的魅力基础上才是社会责任。


More about Tengtou

老外滕头品年味 时间: 2012-01-21 06:16:57 
内容摘要: 今天下午,来自美国、英国、法国等国家的十几个老外来到奉化滕头村,和当地的村民一起舞龙、写龙、画龙、做龙。今天下午,在绿树掩映下的滕头村公园里,来自条宅村和奉化高级中学的两支舞龙队龙腾虎跃


通讯员 吴培维 钟水军


  记者 吴晓鹏


  本报奉化1月20日电 龙年的脚步越来越近。今天下午,来自美国、英国、法国等国家的十几个老外来到奉化滕头村,和当地的村民一起舞龙、写龙、画龙、做龙。












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