Ningbo to built 120 rural public service centers

Category: Governmental News
Published: Tuesday, 23 October 2012 14:19

Ningbo pledges to build 120 rural public service centers in the next three years, according to a recent statement issued by the Municipal Government Office. With fixed official space, advanced facilities, and well-qualified staffs, these public service centers serve to offer first-class public services. According to the plan, 40 of them will be built to meet the standards of a demonstration public center.

According to the statement, the public service center of every general township is required to employ an agricultural technologist majoring in concerning fields including agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, agricultural machinery, agricultural products quality and safety, and animal epidemic prevention. Both the municipal and local governments are encouraging college graduates to work in rural public service centers by giving subsides. Those qualified college graduates who have worked in rural public service centers for 3 years or more in the recruitment may be employed by larger agricultural public institutions with priority. Local government shall pay for the construction of public service center, but the municipal government will grant rewards up to 200,000 yuan to demonstration centers and 50,000 yuan to general centers.