More coal-fired boilers to be shut down

Category: Governmental News
Published: Tuesday, 10 April 2012 09:46

Since this January, ten coal-fired boilers in the National Hi-tech Zone in Ningbo have been shut down. More coal-fired boilers will be closed this year, sources from the environmental protection department said.

Ningbo plans to shut down all the coal-fired boilers in urban area in the next three years. The sale and use of high polluting fuels will be banned in the urban areas and downtown in county-level cities. Ningbo has closed 235 coal-fired boilers and industrial furnaces since the plan was issued last year.

In 2012, the municipal government pledges to take more effective measures. According to the plan, a total of 150 coal-fired boilers will be shut down or replaced. In response, local environment departments have taken immediate actions. Zhenhai District makes a specific instruction on each boiler to be closed. Beilun District introduces a series of rules over the high pollution fuel boilers and plans to give subsidies the companies that take initiatives in the program.