Income of Ningbo residents grows faster than that of GDP

Category: Governmental News
Published: Tuesday, 29 January 2013 13:40

According to the annual economic report released on January 23, in 2012, the income of Ningbo urban rural residents grows faster than that of GDP. The per capita net income of rural residents grows faster than the per capita disposable income of urban residents.

Statistics show that in 2012, the per capita disposable income for urban citizens is 37,902 yuan, increased by 11.3% above the previous year, and in real terms after adjusting for inflation increased by 9.4%. The per capital net income of the rural residents reaches 18,575 yuan, increased by 11.8%, and in real terms after adjusting for inflation increased by 10.0%. The income of both the urban and rural residents grows faster than that of GDP (7.8%).

On the other hand, In 2012, the per capital net income of the rural residents grows faster than that of the per capital net income of the urban residents, with the gap between cities and countryside further narrowed. Statistics show that the ratio of income of urban and rural residents reduced from 2.06 :1 to 2.05:1, lower than the average (3.10:1) of the country.

In addition, in 2012 the CPI growth rate of the city maintains low. The consumer price rose by 1.7% against the same period of the proceeding year, dropping by 3.6 points. respectively 0.9 and 0.5 points lower the averages of the country and Zhejiang. In this respect, Ningbo is the last of the 36 large and middle-sized cities of the country.