It's Happening....

Week of Talent, Science and Technology concluded successfully

Category: On The Campus
Published: Monday, 26 September 2011 11:12

The five-day Week of Talent, Science and Technology drew to a successful close on September 20. With its theme of "Talents guarantee the six-quickening strategy and guide the scientific development", the Week conducted 9 programs including the high-level talents fair, overseas talents business trip, high-level sci-tech fair, educational summit, design exhibition, sci-tech entrepreneurship contest, high-level talent forum and week of talent sci-tech promotion. Over 4000 enterprises and institutions attended the event with more than 40000 people present.

According to the preliminary statistics, this year's Week of Talent, Science and Technology is quite fruitful. Over 13000 talents reach the intention for introduction, and the cooperative intention for 83 sci-tech projects (at an investment of 137.3 million) are reached, with 23 projects actually signed (at an investment of 50.2 million). Four high-end innovation and entrepreneurship teams intend to settle down in Ningbo. Ningbo Haibang Talent Fund is established. The University of Nottingham UK, signs the four-party contract with the University of Nottingham Ningbo, Ningbo Education Bureau and Ningbo Bureau of Science and Technology, for establishing International Doctoral Innovation Centre. A contract is also signed with Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University Zhejiang, Federation of Chinese Professional Associations in Europe and Chinese Professionals Association of Canada, for setting up Overseas Centre for Ningbo Talent Work. 6 directors (of Ningbo origin) of overseas Chinese organizations are invited to serve as "Talent Ambassadors" for Ningbo. 16 workstations for academicians will be set up. 10 distinctive overseas studying talents and 10 distinctive overseas engineers receive awards for their good job.

There are altogether 17 academicians who attended the Week, among them is Professor Alvin Nienow, dean of the Department of Chemical Engineering of University of Birmingham and academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

The figures above not only manifest the ever-increasing attraction of Ningbo to talents, but also demonstrate the improvement in Ningbo's strength of science and technology.